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Poker Face Season 1 Episode 10 Recap and Ending Explained
Poker Face Season 1 Episode 10 Recap and Ending Explained: Rian Johnson's murder-mystery show Poker Face, which has a new case every week, has been a breath of fresh air in a crowded market this year. With her role as human lie detector Charlie Cale, our star lead Natasha Lyonne (Russian Doll) has given viewers a great new female detective. But as with everything in life, all good things must come to an end, and "The Hook" is the last episode of a strong first season. This finale takes us back to the beginning of the story as Charlie's enemies finally catch up to her and she has nowhere to go.

Poker Face Season 1 Episode 10 Recap

In the first episode of this series, "Dead Man's Hand," the casino owner Sterling Frost Sr. (Ron Perlman) says he will find Charlie and kill her for what she has done. "The Hook" starts right at the beginning of this story, when Charlie has just killed a man. Sterling thinks Charlie is to blame for his son's death because Charlie framed him and made Sterling Frost Jr. (Adrien Brody) kill himself. Sterling sends Cliff LeGrand, who is in charge of security and is played by Benjamin Bratt, after Charlie, who has run away. Then, as Cliff chases Charlie through America's back roads and highways, we get to watch an amazing montage.

How long is Cliff on the road?

This montage starts with the first day at the gas station (Episode 2, "The Night Shift") and quickly moves through most of the old episodes, showing the story from Cliff's point of view and making funny references to earlier plots. We see him eating outside Boyle's BBQ place (in Episode 3, "The Stall") and calling Sterling outside the theatre (in Episode 6, "Exit Stage Death"), but he's always just missing her. The time between sightings gets longer, and Cliff spends over a year living in depressing motels on the road.

As a fugitive, Charlie may have been afraid all the time for 368 days, but Cliff has always had a lot of anger inside him. He had to live in terrible conditions on the road for more than a year. When he finally finds her in a hospital in Denver (Episode 9, "Escape From S*** Mountain"), the hunter is happy, but Sterling asks him to wait two more months until she is better. Charlie leaves the hospital feeling better and with all of her bills paid. Cliff is waiting for her outside. He takes her back to Sterling right away.

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On the way back, they share awkward car rides and more dirty motel rooms. Cliff says that it was inevitable that he would catch her and that you always come back to the hook. When Charlie asks him if he killed Natalie, Cliff tells Natalie to go into his glove box. Inside, she takes out the gun that killed Natalie, which was a silent answer to her question. At that moment, Charlie thinks about shooting Cliff and running away, but she can't quite bring herself to do it.

What does Sterling Frost Sr. want from Charlie?

When they get to Atlantic City, Charlie goes to see Sterling Frost Sr. Surprisingly, he doesn't want to kill her or torture her. Instead, he needs her help. Over the course of a year, Sterling learned that Charlie was not to blame for the death of his son.

He went after her anyway so she could help him fight against Beatrix Hasp, the owner of a rival casino. Sterling needs Charlie to point out Hasp's lies at a meeting where they are supposed to happen. He gives her a gift and tells her he will pay her a lot for this job. When Charlie opens the present, she finds the same gun inside. The lights go out all of a sudden, and Sterling is shot to death.

Who is Beatrix Hasp?

We go back in time to before the crime happened and get to know Cliff better. The man is angry about his hard job and has started to dislike his boss because of it. Cliff has decided to work with Beatrix Hasp, a rival casino owner whose voice is done by Rhea Perlman. Together, they plan to kill Sterling.

Beatrix needs a scapegoat to take the blame for killing the man. Cliff suggests that they use Charlie because she has a good reason to want him dead. This explains why Cliff had Charlie hold the gun in the first place: her fingerprints are now on the murder weapon.

How does Cliff frame Charlie?

Cliff's plans and how he framed Charlie are shown to the audience. He gives Sterling the gun inside the box instead of Charlie's name tag, which was in Sterling's gift. He puts a special poker chip on the table for Sterling that glows in the dark. This helps him find Sterling in the dark. Cliff turns off the electricity, shoots Sterling, and then switches the guns. Charlie sees how things look and runs away. She calls FBI agent Luca Clark (Simon Helberg) and begs him for help.

Luca gives Charlie an update on his story. Charlie helped him catch Kazimir Caine, which got him a promotion. He is now working on finding out who killed Sterling. But it's clear from the evidence that Charlie is in trouble. Beatrix's crime family would kill her even if they could prove she wasn't guilty. He tells Charlie to leave the country quickly. Charlie gets out of the hotel by going to a bachelorette party, and then she heads to her sister's house.

Poker Face Season 1 Episode 10 Ending Explained

We meet Emily, Charlie's sister, who is played by Clea DuVall and hates her brother. Charlie wants the keys to the boat their dad owns. There's a lot of tension and backstory between these two sisters who live far apart, which we hope to learn more about in season two. Charlie finds a big hole in her dad's boat at the harbour. She has nowhere else to go, so she calls Cliff. Cliff tells her how to get to his fancy new boat. He calls the police and then waits in his boat while Charlie waits. It doesn't take her long to figure out what's going on when she finds the funny poker chips and puts the pieces together. Cliff and Charlie fight, and then Charlie gets away by swimming away from the police.

In another turn of events, Luca puts Cliff in jail. Charlie had told him to listen to Sterling's tapes, which show that Cliff was involved in the deaths of Jerry and Natalie Hill. Next, Luca thanks Charlie for helping him solve his second big case when he sees her at a diner. He tells Charlie that Cliff went after Beatrix right away, but they haven't caught her yet. Charlie turns down the FBI agent's offer of a job again.

At the end of the season, Beatrix calls Charlie, just like how Sterling called Charlie at the end of the first scene. Beatrix says that she will find Charlie and kill him. She also says that their criminal organisation is years ahead of Sterling's sloppy one. It looks like the second season will be similar to the first in how it is put together. Still, Beatrix is now after Charlie instead of Sterling Frost Sr. With a second season, fans are hoping that Rian Johnson and Natasha Lyonne can do their magic again.

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