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Tomo-Chan is a Girl! Season 1 Episode 10 Recap
Tomo-Chan is a Girl! Season 1 Episode 10 Recap: Last week, things got heated between Tomo (Rie Takahashi) and Jun (Kaito Ishikawa), but the real sparks were between Carol (Sally Amaki) and Misaki (Kohei Amasaki), who finally told each other they liked each other. At first, the episode was full of misunderstandings that almost caused Tomo, Misuzu (who was voiced by Rina Hidaka), and Carol to stop being friends. Still, when Misaki finally told the truth, everything worked out in the end. Even though we already know how Tomo feels, let's hope that their progress will spark something in Jun and get him to tell the truth soon.

Tomo-chan is a Girl! - A Recap of Season 1 Episode 10

At the start of the episode, Tomo and Jun are getting ready for a marathon in class. Tomo and Jun decide to bet on the marathon. The loser will have to buy drinks for the other for a week.

As they wait for the marathon to start, Carol tells Misuzu that a boy has been sending them a "S.O.S." signal the whole time. Misuzu sees Tanabe trying to get her attention when she looks forward.

While everyone else struggles behind them, Tomo and Jun run ahead because they are more interested in competing with each other than with anyone else. Even though the boys and girls are not racing against each other, Tomo runs ahead of Jun and past the girls' turning point so that Jun can race with her.

When Tomo and Jun reach the boy's turning point, they go their separate ways and no longer keep up with each other. When Tomo gets ahead of Jun, Jun works harder to catch up. Tomo passes out as he walks past her.

What happened to Tomo?

Jun rushes to Tomo's side when she passes out. When he touches her forehead, he notices that she has a fever. He asks what she did the night before, and Tomo says she practised running late into the night before taking a bath and falling asleep naked in the bathroom by accident.

Because they are so far ahead, no teachers or other students are nearby, so Jun decides to carry Tomo back to school.

Jun won the school marathon even though he had to carry Tomo.

How do Misuzu and Carol tell Tomo to act when Jun comes to visit?

When Jun comes to see her in the nurse's office, Misuzu and Carol tell Tomo to stop being so strong and act "weak" for once. Misuzu thinks this is Tomo's chance to get Jun to take care of her, so she tells Carol that she should ask Jun to do everything for her.

Jun goes to see Tomo in the office of the nurse and says that she never lets anyone help her. He tells Tomo that her mother is coming and asks if she can walk. Tomo tells him that she can't. Even though Jun isn't sure, he agrees to carry her outside.

When Jun goes to Tomo's house to check on him, she gives him back the handheld game he gave her when they were kids.

Just before middle school started, Jun scored his first hit on Tomo. He looked happy, but she said that Jun being on the same level as her was "kind of depressing" and moved away from him.

Jun is excited to go to middle school with Tomo after getting his first hit on her. He doesn't know that Tomo is a girl until he sees her in her uniform for the first time. Jun feels very stupid for not having noticed, especially when another student asks him if he and Tomo are dating because they are so close.

Why don’t Jun and Tomo talk for a year in middle school?

Jun is too shy to talk to Tomo in the hallway, so he ignores her one day. Before he knows it, that one day has turned into a year.

How do Misuzu and Jun end up together?

Misuzu and Jun are having trouble figuring out who Tomo is, so they start looking for a way out of their problems. Jun thinks that a quick girlfriend would get her attention, while Misuzu thinks that adding a third friend to their group would calm Tomo down.

When Misuzu tells Jun at lunch that he needs to fix things with Tomo, he immediately asks her out. Misuzu agrees to date him because "she couldn't think of any reason not to."

Even though Jun and Misuzu don't feel anything for each other, they both seem excited about the idea of having a partner. But Misuzu doesn't feel that way for long, especially after Jun takes her biking on their first date.

Why does Misuzu tell Tomo they may be unable to be friends anymore?

When Misuzu tells Tomo that they might no longer be able to be friends, Tomo asks her why. Misuzu says that she can't keep up with Tomo physically, but Tomo says it doesn't matter if Misuzu is athletic or not because they are friends for other reasons.

Why do Jun and Misuzu break up?

Before Misuzu can break up with Jun, he finds her first and ends their relationship because he doesn't think they are a good match.

Tomo-Chan is a Girl! Season 1 Episode 10 Ending Explained

Jun gets the courage to talk to Tomo after breaking up with Misuzu. When he doesn't know what to say, Tomo hits Jun and tells him to stop ignoring her. Jun says that he avoided Tomo to keep her from getting picked on, but Tomo gets mad at his explanation because she doesn't understand why they can't just keep being friends like they always have. Then, she and Jun agree to put things back the way they were.

Back in the present, Jun talks about how their relationship has changed. He realises that he has to accept Tomo for who she is before he realises he might find her cute.

The relationship between Jun and Tomo was the focus of the first half of today's episode, which was quite funny. I thought it was a great way to start the second half and give Jun some closure by giving him back the game.

Even though I would have liked this flashback to happen a little earlier in the story, we still learned a lot by seeing it happen in today's episode. It seemed like a great way to end the current storyline and set up the last few episodes of the season. Now that Jun has finally told Tomo how he feels about her, the series can move on to the next chapter without worrying about whether they will end up together.

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