DOVE VOLANO LE PAPERE Lyrics Salmo (Translation & Meaning)
"DOVE VOLANO LE PAPERE" by Salmo starts with a dedication to 'Luchè,' possibly indicating a respect for a departed friend or collaborator. However, the mood soon shifts as the lyrics become assertive and aggressive. The repeated "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah" may signify a war cry or a battle call, setting the tone for the lyrical conflict that follows.

DOVE VOLANO LE PAPERE Lyrics Salmo Meaning

Confrontation and Challenge 🥊

The lyrics quickly dive into confrontation and challenge. Lines like "We were good, we were gold... I forgive every word you said," convey a strong feeling of disagreement or conflict, possibly with another artist or rival. The rapper expresses a determination to outdo his competitors, using phrases like "I didn't wanna lie," and "Started to cry, but then remembered I," to emphasize his resolve.

Self-Reliance and Superiority 💪

As the song progresses, Salmo further amplifies his sense of self-reliance and superiority. In the chorus, he states, "I can buy myself flowers... Yeah, I can love me better than you can," suggesting that he finds his strength and validation from within rather than seeking it from others. This can also be interpreted as a message about self-love and resilience in the face of criticism or adversity.

Forgiveness and Retrospection 🔄

In the lines "Paint my nails cherry-red... I forgive every word you said," Salmo shows his willingness to forgive past wrongs. The cherry-red nails could symbolize a renewal or fresh start. Moreover, the act of forgiving shows emotional growth and maturity, hinting that he is willing to move on from past feuds or disagreements.

Asserting Dominance and Ending the Battle 🔥

Towards the end, the song evolves into an outright proclamation of dominance and victory. The repeated lines "Can love me better, I can love me better, baby," suggest that Salmo believes he is unmatched in his skills and talent. The closing lines "I didn't wanna leave you, I didn't wanna fight... Yeah, I can love me better than... Yeah, I can love me better than you can," reinforces this sense of victory and superior self-love, ending the song on a powerful note of triumph.

Overall, "DOVE VOLANO LE PAPERE" by Salmo is a potent track filled with confrontational lyrics and assertive proclamations. It portrays the rapper's confidence, resilience, and dominance, while also highlighting themes of self-love, forgiveness, and triumph. 🦆🎶🔥

DOVE VOLANO LE PAPERE Lyrics Salmo English Translations

Luchè rest in peaceUhAh, ah, ah, ah, ahMom's darling got offended (Ahahah, what's happening?)Listen

Good morning, today you will stop living (Ah)I have certain voices in my head that tell me to kill (Ah)You're not the king, your city is to be redeemed (Uh)You see Luchè and then die laughing (Ah)Yo, sit down, bro, you can't do it (Yah)You call the record "Power," yes, because you don't have it (Pff)You are able to be incapable in your live (Oh)I'm sorry, you who beats me? Never (Uoh)I remember Co'Sang, you were Antò's shadowThen you became fashionable, Brigitte BardotNow you look like a croissant but the empty oneDick face, I send your picture to the girls (Yeah)We are strong, we are strong (Uh)I use your dialect, yes, to tell you: "Who killed you" (Uh)I love your city even though I don't go there anymoreThe only thing that sucks about Naples is just you, 'azz' (Uh)I spit in your mouth, I baptize you at the microphoneI break the wheels of your tricycleYou can sit on my third finger (Yeah)Artificial ignorance, they built youYou and your third type mafioso friend suck (Ah)You buy the villa in Miami with mafia moneyWatch and learn, I go back to Sardinia to buy you the coffin (Uh)I would like to shovel you, you are fish in the SaharaI throw the hook and you fall for it, Niagara (Seh)I turn you off at the candle's breath, I am Carmelo Bene for youYou say you rap, but at least do it wellFor you, my song is "Miserere"Your ass burns, bro, it showsGet your hole licked by Dikele (Ahahahah)

No, wellSS Magazine, dictators of this dickNa-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, eh

Ah, I still have a couple, put the beat and I'll lay you downI leave my signature on your forehead, notaryHave you noticed, keyboard grumbler?I don't delete your comments (Oh), I cancel your career (Uh)Complexed, I don't cry over the blood spilledI've already filled your artistic voidAt my concert in Naples, you played, but after mePeople wondered: "But who the hell is Luchè?"I explain it to you embarrassedLuca is a crumpled fifty-year-old who lives in his past (Ah-ah)Carried, but he messed with the wrong guyI don't knock at all, I enter your house with the tank (Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)Both with rhymes and on the street, you get beatenI slap you and you see the rainbow at nightAnd your teeth like the sounds of castanetsYou're all talk, where the ducks fly (Ah)I am the stupid brother who lives off his parentsYours are support teachers, not professorsThe boy could, but does not applyIn fact, he has defects in the ability to self-teach (Uh)You stayed under, you are the new Pino ScottoIt's not New Year's Eve, but I make you explode

I found you a little depressed

I make peace with others, you make peace with yourself, stupid.


Luchè rest in peaceUhAh, ah, ah, ah, ahIl cocco di mamma si è offeso (Ahahah, che succede?)Senti

Buongiorno, oggi smetterai di vivere (Ah)Ho certe voci nella testa che mi dicono di uccidere (Ah)Tu non sei il re, la tua città è da redimere (Uh)Vedi Luchè e dopo muori dal ridere (Ah)Yo, mettiti a sedere, fra', non ce la fai (Yah)Chiami il disco "Potere", sì, perché non ce l’hai (Pff)Sei capace di essere incapacе nei tuoi live (Oh)Mi dispiace, tu chе batti me? Mai (Uoh)Mi ricordo dei Co'Sang, eri l'ombra di AntòPoi sei diventato fashion, Brigitte BardotOra sembri un croissant però quello vuotoFaccia di cazzo, alle tipe gli mando la tua foto (Yeah)Stammo forte, stammo forte (Uh)Uso il tuo dialetto, sì, per dirti: "Chi t’ha mmuorto" (Uh)Amo la tua città anche se non ci vado piùL'unica cosa che fa schifo di Napoli sei solo tu, 'azz' (Uh)Ti sputo in bocca, ti battezzo al microSpezzo le ruote del tuo tricicloPuoi sederti sul mio terzo dito (Yeah)Ignoranza artificiale, ti hanno costruitoTu e il tuo amico mafioso del terzo tipo fate schifo (Ah)Compri la villa a Miami coi soldi della malaGuarda e impara, io torno in Sardegna a comprarti la bara (Uh)Vorrei imboccarvi con la pala, siete pesci nel SaharaButto l'amo e ci cascate, Niagara (Seh)Vi spengo al soffio di candela, io per te sono Carmelo BeneDici che rappi, ma fallo almeno benePer te il mio canto è "Miserere"Ti brucia il culo, fra', si vedeFatti leccare il buco da Dikele (Ahahahah)

No, vabbèSS Magazine, dittatori di 'sto cazzoNa-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, eh

Ah, ne ho ancora un paio, metti il beat che ti sdraioTi lascio sulla fronte la mia firma, notaioHai notato, rosicone da tastiera?Non cancello i tuoi commenti (Oh), io ti cancello la carriera (Uh)Complessato, io non piango sul sangue versatoIl tuo vuoto artistico l'ho già colmatoAl mio concerto a Napoli hai suonato, ma dopo di meLa gente si chiedeva: "Ma chi cazzo è Luchè?"Te lo spiego imbarazzatoLuca è un cinquantenne stropicciato che vive nel suo passato (Ah-ah)Carriato, ma se l’è presa col tipo sbagliatoIo non busso affatto, ti entro in casa con il carro armato (Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)Sia con le rime che per strada tu prendi le botteTi do uno schiaffo e vedi l’arcobaleno di notteE i tuoi denti come suoni delle nacchereSei tutto chiacchiere, dove volano le papere (Ah)Sono il fratello scemo che campa i genitoriI tuoi sono insegnanti di sostegno, mica professoriIl ragazzo potrebbe, ma non si applicaDifatti ha difetti alla capacità di autodidattica (Uh)Sei rimasto sotto, sei il nuovo Pino ScottoNon è Capodanno, ma ti faccio fare il botto (Pam)Ti ho trovato un po' depressoIo faccio la pace con gli altri, tu fai la pace con te stesso, stupido

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