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The Witcher Season 3 Episode 3 Recap & Cast
The Witcher Season 3 Episode 3 Recap

💭 Jaskier's Tangled Emotions for Radovid 💭

As we delve into the "Reunion" labyrinth, we find our jovial bard, Jaskier, deeply pondering over Radovid. Is the monarch an ally or adversary to Geralt and Ciri? Is he a problem solver or a potential backstabber? Or could this be a façade hiding Jaskier's budding feelings for Radovid? Love may indeed be blinding. 🥰

💫 Unveiling Anika 💫

Geralt abruptly interrupts Jaskier's rumination to attend to the mystery of a young girl named Anika, who astonishingly resembles and claims to be Ciri. Anika, part-Elven, is under a sophisticated mind-control enchantment. While the antidote's efficacy is uncertain, Geralt and Ciri utilize this time to discuss Philippa and Djikstra's proposal for Ciri's relocation to Redania - an idea Geralt isn't keen on. 🤔

👹 Confronting Teryn's Horrors 👹

In a chilling turn of events, the group is subjected to Teryn's demonic outbursts, brimming with otherworldly threats. In the ensuing magical chaos, Anika gets injured, leaving Geralt and Jaskier to manage the situation. A recovering Anika stirs Geralt's emotions by mentioning his mother, strengthening his resolve to protect Ciri. With his decision to leave for Aretuza, Anika is left to care for Teryn. 😢

🔐 Yennefer's Proposition to Tissaia 🔐

In a quest to secure Ciri's safety, Yennefer brings her to Giancardi, a banker in debt to Yennefer. In Ciri's disguised care, Yennefer privately convenes with Tissaia. Their strained relationship is evident, but Yennefer urges a mage conclave to prevent the Brotherhood from falling prey to the Northern Kings' discord. 🗣️

💰 Ciri's Adventure and Learning 💰

Ironically, Ciri interprets "staying out of trouble" as creating a spectacle while correcting a sideshow's misidentification of a wyvern. Her adventure ends in her coins stolen and a frantic summoning of Yennefer. Ciri is not too pleased with the witches of Aretuza or Yennefer's stance about them, feeling like it's akin to selling one's soul. 😖

🎭 The Power Play: Vizimir's Wife, Hedwig, and Rience 🎭

Radovid is aware of the perpetrator behind the manipulation leading to Hedwig's demise, but lacks the leverage to challenge Dijkstra officially. Meanwhile, Rience grows weary of Lydia's orders and yearns for more agency, particularly since he signed up under the assumption that Lydia wasn't affiliated with Nilfgaard. 🤨

🗡️ Cahir's Reluctant Betrayal 🗡️

In an attempt to earn Emhyr's favor, Cahir tragically assassinates Gallatin, who unknowingly seals his fate by revealing Francesca's disregard for Emhyr's orders in her pursuit of a girl, presumably Ciri. The deed leaves Cahir troubled, prompting him to shatter a mirror rather than face his reflection. 😱

🏇 The Unraveling of Reunion 🏇

Aretuza witches, galloping into the unknown on her trusty steed. Ciri finds herself in an unsettling situation as Eredin, the leader of the , hauntingly labels her as death itself and invites her to join them. However, just in the nick of time, Geralt makes his dramatic entry to save the day. 😲

However, the spooky remnants of Eredin’s armour left sizzling on the ground serve as a grim reminder that these phantoms were all too real. With these thrilling events unfolding, Ciri's character develops further and we can't wait to see what the next episode has in store for us.

Remember, you can exclusively stream "Reunion", Season 3 Episode 3 of The Witcher on Netflix. 🎬

The Witcher Season 3 Episode 3 Cast

- Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia

- Anya Chalotra as Yennefer

- Freya Allan as Ciri

- Joey Batey as Jaskier

- MyAnna Buring as Tissaia

- Mecia Simson as Francesca

- Tom Canton as Filavandrel

- Graham McTavish as Sigismund Dijkstra

- Cassie Clare as Philippa Eilhart

- Hugh Skinner as Prince Radovid

- Wilson Mbomio as Dara

- Bart Edwards as Emhyr

- Lars Mikkelsen as Stregobor

- Robbie Amell as Gallatin

- Jeremy Crawford as Yarpen

- Sam Woolf as Rience

- Ed Birch as King Vizimir

- George Wigzell as Prood

And as always, we're excited to continue our magical journey together, delving into the fascinating world of The Witcher! 🌟

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