The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2: In the first scenes of "Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore," Mando stops briefly at the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine to check in with Peli Motto. This is part of his fast-paced tour of familiar planets and people. Droid banter! Rodians are so lazy! Peli's abrasive, slightly underhanded attitude! Everything is here and right, just as you'd expect.
You may remember that after the first episode of Season 3, Mando is looking for that missing part that will help him fix up IG-11. He needs a reliable droid to help him explore the broken surface of Mandalore. So, it makes sense that he would ask Peli to help him find one, since she has been friends with the Jawas for a long time. She has a better offer, though: R5-D4 is an astromech droid that is supposed to be made for adventures. But long-time Star Wars fans know that R5's main claim to fame is that it was the droid that Luke Skywalker's uncle Owen purposely broke in A New Hope so that he could buy R2-D2 instead. Peli even says something about it as he leaves with Mando and Grogu to go down into the Mines of Mandalore, which is the name of the place.
The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2 Recap
Mandalore is not in good shape, but nothing ever is after a "purge." The surface has been pounded, the planet's magnetic field has been messed up, and the once-great cities are falling apart. But not everything is bad. The air can be breathed, despite what most people think, which backs up Bo-claim Katan's that most of the rumours about the planet are based on superstition.
But some people who don't belong there have moved in. When R5 walks off to take some rock samples and check the air quality, he is attacked by club-wielding aliens who remind me of the Morlocks from The Time Machine. Mando has to fight them off by waving the Darksaber around like a baseball bat. Soon after that, a giant tank that looks like a spider lures Mando into a trap. The tank is being driven by what looks like a cyborg Geonosian. Grogu is left on his own, and Mando begs her to go get Bo-Katan. Grogu rushes through a line of flying alligators to call for help.
What do Alamites mean?
Bo-Katan tells us that the creatures called Morlocks are Alamites. They used to live in the wastelands outside of Mandalorian cities, Bo-Katan says. She is much more used to them than Mando was, even though, as he told Grogu when they first got to the system, he grew up on one of the moons. She also tells Grogu that Bo-Katan comes from a clan that used to rule the whole planet, so this makes sense.
Also, Bo-Katan is a badass in general, and this episode spends a good amount of time showing that. She kills the Alamites and Mando's captor without much trouble, including the whole spider-tank when the creature's head runs off and hides inside it. It goes without saying that she is much better with the Darksaber than Mando is.
Bo-Katan, who seems to be tired of Mando's general incompetence, offers to help him find the Living Waters so he can make up for it. The funny thing is that Mando agrees more with the general Mandalorian philosophy than Bo-Katan does, even though Bo-Katan knows more about the Creed's history and culture. When Bo-Katan says that Mando's father died defending Mandalore, Mando says, "This is the Way." This doesn't make her feel much better, though. When they reach the Living Waters, she reads out loud from a plaque that explains what they mean and how the mines were supposedly once the homes of ancient Mythosaurs. She laughs at this story as Mando takes off his belt and cloak in a symbolic way and gets ready to dive into the waters, his redemption finally at hand.
Though things don't go as planned, the bathing Mando is pulled under the water. Bo-Katan belly-flops into the water to pull him back up, but as they're going up, she sees a huge creature hiding under the water.
What is the creature?
At the end of the episode, Bo-Katan sees a creature that looks like an ancient dragon. This is a Mythosaur, which Mandalorians used to tame and ride into battle. Mandalorian art is based on the skull of the Mythosaur, and stories about the beasts are important to Mandalorian mythology.
The Armorer told Mando about a prophecy in The Book of Boba-Fett: "The songs of aeons past told of the mythosaur rising up to bring a new age to Mandalore." At the time, she didn't believe it because the animals were thought to be extinct. However, the fact that they have been brought back to this area means that it might happen. And with it, there could be another Mandalorian Civil War over who should be the leader. The Darksaber could be at the centre of the conflict, with Bo-Katan and Din Djarin on opposite sides.
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